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Wallpaper and paint

Professional Interior Designers

Stunning wallpapers and high quality paint for interiors

Designer wallpapers from Ambience Interiors

We provide a range of designer wallpapers with something to suit all tastes, ranging from traditional styles through to more modern styles - book an appointment at our interior design shop to view our vast collection of designer wallpapers.

Our wallpapers come in a variety of styles including textured, metallic, vinyl, printed design and plain. Whether you are looking to create a feature wall or to add texture to a room we are confident you will find what you are looking for.

View our wall coverings at interior designers Ambience Interiors


We supply wallpaper by:

  • Little Greene
  • Casadeco
  • Caselio
  • Casamance
  • Camengo
  • Romo
  • Villa Nova
  • Barneby Gates
  • Anna French
  • Thibaut
  • Designers Guild
  • Sanderson
  • Wemyss

Wallpapers by Barneby Gates are created in their studio in Wiltshire and are printed using traditional printing techniques in the Midlands, due to the method used the ink is thicker than normal, giving a luxurious hand painted feel to the wallpaper.

Little Greene wallpapers beautifully compliment their paint palette, created using specialist printing techniques on the finest grade paper, which give the wallpapers an elegant finish and sophisticated texture.

Wallpapers from our other suppliers offer fabrics that complement the wallpaper perfectly to create an ideal scheme for a room.

For more information about our wallpaper collection get in touch with our interior designers in Wiltshire or call into our shop located in Wiltshire, to browse through our books of wallpaper and Little Greene paint swatches.

Wall papering and interior paint colour schemes

Wallpaper books and paint swatches

If you'd like to book an initial consultation or view our vast collection of wall covering sample books, please contact us.

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Ambience Interiors
